There comes a day or a time that you no longer care. Perhaps, not so much that I don't care... but I expect it. I thought it would hurt more with that realization, but it doesn't. I'm finding some kind of inner strength that I did not know I have. Not only did I not know I had it, I usually don't feel like I"m strong. Perhaps that's because I've always been told I was weak and selfish. Now, Now I realize that I am strong. I might not like fighting, but yet I am still here. I still love. I still cry. I still hurt horribly, but through that, I will get stronger. I don't have a choice. I HAVE to find my strength from within if I am to stand up straight.
My porcelain face will still smile.
I can always glue myself back together, and there will forever be a smile on my face.