Wednesday, September 5, 2012

SUPER MOM!!!! Oh how I wish I were a super mom like mine was and is. I dont know how she does it. Seriously. Growing up, every meal was made well and healthy and on time. The house was always clean, maybe a little messy thanks to us kids... but not even really that. And she always looked so good. Me on the other hand... yeh, no. There are always dishes in the sink and on the counter. Laundry in the baskets to be washed and to be folded. Meals.... NEVER on time... ever. But I try to healthy most days. I'll keep trying for super mom status though.
Today's accomplishments:  Errands run with a toddler who needed a nap, front lawn mowed with a push mower (it was my exercise), store bought cookie dough baked. :) couple baskets of laundry folded.
As for mommyness... the toddler slept for 4 hours, the baby didn't. The toddler through up all over the couch... Its midnight and the toddler still wont sleep. He's in bed though. And I'm exhausted. But I really should do dishes.
Perhaps tomorrow.

Special note: Bug always pee's through Pamper's overnight diapers, but we ran out of Huggies overnights (which he pee's out of too when he has too much to drink) Anyways. I decided to put a feminine pad inside his diaper to see if that will keep him dry... update will come tomorrow.

Looking for a new place to live sucks. We can't afford to keep living here, but the cost of moving is absolutely rediculous. Grrrr. Hope to find a place soon.

And the super awesomeness of today: I was able to finish reading "Time Untime" by Sherrilyn Kenyon my all time favorite author. The book was great as usual!

UPDATE:  The diaper trick.... not successful... but not unsuccessful. It kept the majority from soaking through, but the stupid top of the diaper that goes above where you fasten it soaked his pajama shirt. Grrrr.

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